The North Carolina Association of Parliamentarians (NCAP) welcomes you to our website. While our website provides information on our state association, many of the photos represent a number of our state’s official symbols. NCAP promotes the philosophy and principles underlying the rules of deliberative assemblies through the study, teaching, and dissemination of parliamentary law and procedure, advocating, and encouraging continuing education, maximum proficiency in parliamentary skills, and closer communication and cooperation among parliamentarians in North Carolina.
Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary procedure is based on the consideration of the rights of the majority, the rights of the minority (predominantly a significant minority which is greater than one-third), the rights of individual members, the rights of absentee members, and the rights of all those groups together.
Robert’s Rules of Order is America’s foremost guide to parliamentary procedure. It is used by more professional associations, fraternal organizations, and local governments than any other authority.

North Carolina Association of Parliamentarians welcomes all interested persons to join our association. Membership is individual, based on knowledge of the fundamental principles of parliamentary law.
Information regarding membership may be obtained by contacting the National Association of Parliamentarians: www.parliamentarians.org.
To become a member, a person must successfully complete the NAP membership exam on the basic principles and procedures from the current edition of Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised. Successfully completing the membership exam and becoming a member of NAP/NCAP does not qualify or certify an individual as a parliamentarian. Only members who have successfully completed the registration exam or the professional accreditation from NAP may refer to themselves as Registered Parliamentarians.
To become a registered parliamentarian a member must pass the registered exam administrated by NAP. To become a professional registered parliamentarian, a registered parliamentarian must meet the comprehensive requirements of NAP. To receive professional accreditation from NAP a member must pass an extensive examination on advanced knowledge of parliamentary law and procedure according to Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised. The member must also successfully complete a practical course demonstrating ability to provide services such as presiding, serving in the role of parliamentarian for a presiding officer, and issuing professional opinions.